Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Aqua End Table

Somehow I managed to not take a "before" picture. But it was just a dark wood color. The thing I love about this table is that I didn't have to sand it! A friend of my dad's gave it to me and he'd already sanded 3/4 of it. I tried my luck and didn't bother with the rest and it turned out perfect! Gotta love when projects are easy peasy. I used Rustoleum spray paint in Aqua. I love it. This is gonna be a tough one to let go of! Soon there will be linkys here, but right now American Horror Story is coming on and I must watch!! EDIT: LINKING UP @ DIY Home Sweet Home, House of Grace, Restore Interiors, Savvy Southern Style, My Girlish Whims, Miss Mustard Seed, The Shabby N...

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

TUTORIAL: Paper Flowers

I originally found the tutorial to make these flowers at 52 Mantels. She has an excellent tutorial as well. Probably better than mine because well, this is my first ever! I also apologize in advance for the picture quality. As of right now all I have is a Samsung point and shoot camera. I can fake it up pretty good with furniture, people, animal, everyday shots.. but when you try to take an up close picture, it's not that great. But never the less, hopefully it gets my point across and teaches you how to make an awesome flower!! You will need lunch sized paper bags, scissors and some twine. The twine is used to secure the paper together in the middle of the flower, so you could use almost anything. Staples, twisty tie, glue,...

Monday, December 5, 2011

Thanksgiving Photos ... A LOT of them!

I know that everyone has been posting Christmas pictures because well, it's that time of year! I have some of those ready to go too, but first I wanted to post some of my Thanksgiving pictures. I finally got my camera and cord back from my dad this morning, so I was able to transfer them to my computer finally. Not much to say, just a photo dump of sorts. The first few are of the decorations. We do Thanksgiving at my parents house (which is next door!) every year and my mom doesn't have many fall things. So I packed up most of my stuff and we decked out her house a little. The last few are of family. The nice thing about living in the south, we ate outside! And actually, I've been running my AC today .. in December. That's crazy! Anyways, on...

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Paper Flowers

I made these amazing paper flowers to hang up at Thanksgiving. I found a wonderful tutorial for them and I will link her blog in the next post. I also want to make my own tutorial for these. I made about 20 of them for a garland with my mom the day before Thanksgiving, so I didn't take the time to snap pictures. I plan to sit down later tonight and make another for the purpose of showing all of you! This is just a sweet little preview of them. :) I've also been working on a new end table, which I plan to finish up tonight as well. Look for that soon too! Hope you all are having a super weeke...

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