Thursday, June 21, 2012

#16 - Get a new Cell Phone

I actually got this phone for my birthday back in January. Yeah, I'm a little behind on updating my list. But #16 on my 101in1001 list was to get a new phone. I can now check that one off! I got the HTC Inspire 4G from ATT. I love it. This is my first smartphone and I couldn't be more addicted. The one thing I love most about this phone is that the camera is 8mp. That is equal to my digital Samsung camera. Plus with the auto focus and settings, it works much, much better! M has had an iphone and now an atrix, so I've played with smartphones for years, just never had one of my own. I have officially joined the bandwagon. I know. There's nothing to exciting about this post. Just me updating my list a bit. So I thought that maybe I'd...

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

RECIPE {blueberry pound cake}

My mom makes this cake all the time. My parents have blueberry bushes, so this is a easy way to use a lot of them up. Sunday, on top of being Father's Day, it was also my dad's birthday. Since this is one of his favorite cakes, I decided to make it for him. This was my first time making this cake but it was so easy, I'll definitely be making it again! I didn't get a picture of the whole cake because we all dug into it almost immediately! Blueberry Pound Cake 1 cup of butter, softened 2 cups of sugar 4 eggs 1 tsp vanilla 1 tsp salt 1 tsp baking powder 2 cups of flour + 1 cup for coating blueberries 1 pint blueberries Preheat your oven to 325 degrees. In a mixing bowl, mix together the butter and sugar until fully blended. Next...

Friday, June 15, 2012

Freebie Friday #1

About a month ago, I have mildly majorly become obsessed with the freebie/sample sites that are out there. I have reached the point where I check a few certain sites multiple times a day. It's fun! It's also amazing what you can get for free. Since starting this, I've probably signed up for over 100 things. Food samples, Beauty samples, Magazine subscriptions, Jewelry and more! So I decided that every week, I'll snap some pictures of some of the stuff I get in the mail and share with you guys. Considering most freebies take 6-8 weeks to receive, this past week I haven't gotten a ton. A few of the things I got the week before. Before the pictures, I'll share some of my favorite sites, in case you guys want to check them out too! These...

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Vintage Sewing Desk

I have finally finished the sewing desk that my dad got for me months ago. (Actually truth be told, I'm not 100% finished yet. I still need to paint the inside of the drawers, but I'm lazy.) Here is the before: It was not in bad shape, just really, really dirty. Like wasp nests and dirt dobbers (sp?) on the inside dirty. I chose to paint it with Rustoleum's Winter Grey and added some white stripes and hardware. I have been really uninspired for the last couple months, so this poor guy got really neglected. I would paint a little on it one day and then go 2 weeks before I touched it again. And as I was deciding to write up this post, I realized that I didn't take a single picture with the top down. The top of the desk lifts up and slides...

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Custom Art DIY

A few weeks ago my dad got several boxes of "junk" from a friend of his. His friend bought the whole load at a flea market for like 15$. After he got out what he wanted, he gave the rest to my dad. So of course, I went through it. I pulled out a box full of stuff that I kept and these pictures are just one of the many things I kept to makeover. solid wood frames. the pictures are just not my style. I debated for a while on how I wanted to use them. Finally I decided to just bust out some spray paint. I picked Blue Lagoon and Berry from Rustoleum. I think that these are 2 of my favorite colors. I didn't do anything special, just 2 good coats of paint. Then I printed out a couple of simple pages with our initials on them. I chose orange for...

{HOME} living room wall addition

About a year ago, M and I decided to start remodeling our kitchen/living room area. It's a slow process. We are working as we can afford to do so, a little at a time. Our kitchen/living area used to be one huge room, with nothing but the kitchen counter/bar separating the two. We decided to split them up and build a wall between them. This way, we can expand our kitchen cabinets and hang the television on the wall. we started by ripping up the carpet. then we built the wall frame. next came the drywall, and a huge mess. we also built in the fish tank! Now the wall is pretty much done, painted and the television is hung. We love it. Plus I'm hoping that it helps keep the two rooms cooler this summer. It was so hot when...

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